Devices and desires

Looking back at that last post of last year (it seems such a long time ago, almost like last year...), I can't quite recapture the excitement about the Nokia 770. It all fell a bit flat.

So it's with some trepidation that I've been perusing the Origami reports recently - again, it looks great in theory but I'm going to wait and see what the practical results are.

Already I can see one great big glaring omission - no serial port. It's with great regret that I note the demise of this once mighty I/O facility. Having spent a good deal of time recently using my archaic laptop simply because it has a serial port to connect to various network goodies in CLI mode, I'm very concerned that in future I'm going to be very constrained in the kit I can use.

A portable system, with all the usability of either Windows or Linux (the Live CD distro's are very good in this regard), is an invaluable and irreplaceable tool in looking after network kit. Being able to get a serial connection, hard-wired ethernet and wireless links running simultaneously makes light work of many problems. However, it looks increasingly as though the serial port is in serious danger of becoming extinct. And what will a poor network engineer do then?

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