Back to the grindstone

I thought the older entries here had all got wiped when I changed the web hosting contract - glad to see that isn't the case. However, it does show up my continual disregard of this site, something that I shall endeavour to put right henceforth. The road to hell, good intentions and all that.

Some of the last year's issues and ideas have already receded into the fog of memory, so don't expect updates on those. One of the basic problems for the last few months has been a distinct lack of two-wheel miles: this is not due to the Scottish weather (though I can remember very few days when I would have looked forward to going out there), but mainly because I lost the use of my left hand as a result of my own inattention. Let this be a warning to everyone - don't leave loose wires lying around, and don't rush to answer the phone. Tripped, fell and smashed the hand against a door, resulting in a broken metacarpal that refuses to knit properly after three months.

Now that I've decided that the hand is ok to pull a clutch lever in without breaking into too much of a sweat, the weather decides to really get stuck in - snow. More snow. Wet snow.

They tell me that Summer is coming. It can't get here quick enough.

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