Death before dishonour

We'll hang on to our DRM even if it kills you!

In the light of the past week's evidence about the effect of DRM on battery life in MP3 players, you'd think the media industry don't need any more bad press. But it appears, according to reports here, that they are unwilling to concede anything at all, even if it means killing people.

Would it really hurt that much to allow for exemptions in the name of safety? Or are they so scared of someone actually showing that their business model is wrong that they cannot even do that? After all, it's not as though any amount of protection is actually going to stop deliberate pirating of content, so I'm unclear about the real objective here. It looks as though the industry wants some sort of stranglehold to blackmail society with, a most unsavoury, unsatisfactory and unacceptable state of affairs.

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