Tell me why?

Too often, I feel an overwhelming need to ask 'why?' when something happens. Increasingly, I'm asking this about the developments in surveillance that we are subject to. So it's hats off to Dan Gillmore who also asked 'why?' here. Unfortunately, even though he was unable to get an answer, Dan felt he had to give way and accept things. When I do this, I usually hope it has caused someone on the other end of the question to also start asking 'why?'. I get the feeling from Dan's writeup that this won't have happened in the particular case he reports - someone who gets given power to force others to do as they say is unlikely to start questioning the source of that power.

Why are we all bending over and letting the various states we live in do this? Remember, it's the state that owes its existence to the people, not the other way around.

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