Don’t update software on a Saturday

What’s today’s problem?

Well, bear with me, there’s a list:

Blogger has lost my RSS feed – and that of a lot of other people as well, apparently.  The automatically generated atom.xml is being created as a zero byte file.  So there’s a better than even chance that you won’t even see this post, at least while it’s meaningful.  There is a workaround, for anyone who needs it: use the feed identifier in the form of http://www.blogger.com/feeds/7959034/posts/default, where the number needs to be updated to your own account value.  Drop that intot he template, republish, and it’s working at least as far as anyone picking up the RSS feed this time around.  Apparently, it’s also possible to copy the actual file to your own atom.xml, but this needs to be done each and every time the blog gets updated, so to date I simply haven’t mustered up the energy.  Blogger already know about the problem, but it’s the weekend now and I suppose they’ve taken the time off.

Twitter – someone went and changed the API or something, and my old ceTwit application on the phone gave up reading posts.  I did manage to download an update, but this doesn’t seem to show a public timeline, and is consistently reporting a possible broken API and I’m left wondering if this is actually working at all.  However, I did manage to locate, download, configure and use a different product Twobile, which is working OK.  Since I seem to post Twitter updates even less frequently than I update this blog, however, it probably won’t break their service too soon.

For my final act of IT vandalism today, I thought I’d update the nVidia drivers for the graphics card in the workstation, a mere 8800 GT card.  Wonders will never cease – this actually worked.  Being flushed with success I also thought I’d go for the Windows Live tools (including Live Writer), and this is where it seems to have gone a little bit wrong – various components seem to be having issues with the firewall, and I no longer know if it will work.

Still, look on the bright side: even if it does work and this post gets published, no-one will ever see it as long as RSS is broken.

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