Coincidence? I don't think so

As mentioned here before, I'm looking at ways of communicating, partly out of academic interest, and partly because there may be some merit in some new systems for work.  My foray into Twitter didn't really take off - I guess I can't find anything valuable enough to say which isn't equally valuable to keep private.  Not being one to let such a simple matter put me off, I recently signed up to the identi.ca service, thinking that not only would this let me stake yet another claim to the 'pemur' tag, but it would also open up the world of openID - which again may have some use ion the future.

Two days or so later, I start getting people following me on Twitter.  Now bear in mind that I haven't updated Twitter for over 50 days - what is the chance that I'll get new followers now?

What's really interesting is the complex way that the various openID sites seem to be integrated: I thought I had a fairly good and simple subscription to one, only to find that it gets difficult to navigate all the possible sibling sites, not to mention those which use openID for authentication.  I now seem to have at least three openIDs, but they are all the same, if you see what I mean.  And if anyone does see what I mean, can you please explain it to me?

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