Next stage

Having got the PC built (though not registered yet - still unsure whether to rebuild without the RAID1 in place), the next step would be to swap my ISP connection.  I'm getting a bit tired of slow and occasionally unreliable connections, but the real deal-breaker is the insistence on port throttling.  I've paid for a connection, not for whatever the ISP thinks it's reasonable to pass.  I've also had support telling me that they didn't throttle anything, when it was quite evident that they did.  Mistakes are one thing, out and out lies are another.

Hence the search.  ADSL2+ probably isn't a starter, given the location here: the best I would get on MAX is only 2 Mb/s, so there's little point in going for 24 Mb/s given the other restrictions that are in place from O2 or Be (don't even think of suggesting Sky!).

Requirements include a fixed IP, relatively high limits (been known to move >60 Gb per month on my current 1 Mb/s line) and NO BANDWITH MANAGEMENT.  Hear that, Eclipse?

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