Back on the road again

One of the aims of this blog was to talk about the motorcycling environment in the UK. Or, more specifically, Scotland. In a word - wet. The forecast is consistently 'rain', 'light rain', 'showers' or occasionally 'heavy rain'. So it's probably not surprising that I don't get out as often as I'd like.

I'm no summer-only rider, but don't see the point in getting uncomfortable or taking risks on patchy roads when it's just plain unpleasant to be out on the bike. Although I've used two wheels to commute on the rare dry days we've had over winter, it's been just a bit too difficult to justify long-term. So it was very satisfying to get out on Good Friday when the roads were dry and relatively empty for a good run; it certainly got rid of some of the cobwebs and I was well on the way towards regaining confidence for the summer. Unfortunately, since then I've either been travelling or had other commitments, or the weather's been consistently bad both in the forecast and in reality.

Perhaps the coming weeks will see things relent a bit, and I'll be able to get back to finding new roads and revisiting old favourites. First chance I get I want to try the Lang Whang (the A70 south of Edinburgh), since it must have been over seven years since I last rode that way; they've let some of the tarmac really deteriorate, but in other areas it's been recovered and is as pleasant a surface as you could wish for. I suspect, though, that the bad bits come just before the interesting corners...

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